Wadandi Place Names Embraced with Dual Naming
The Shire, together with the Undalup Association, have announced the dual naming of Margaret River HEART with the Wadandi name Nala Bardip Mia, meaning Our Story House, in the first step towards dual naming local public buildings and places.
The name was revealed by Shire President Cr Paula Cristoffanini and Wadandi Cultural Custodian Iszaac Webb on Friday 10 March 2023 at the community HEARTBEATS celebration of the newly reinvigorated cultural hub, which is now being co-managed by the Shire and Arts Margaret River.
Traditional Custodians from Undalup Association, Wayne and Iszaac Webb, worked closely together with the Shire to find traditional language names which reflect how buildings such as Nala Bardip Mia, the Margaret River HEART, are used by the community and their meaning in everyday community life.
Nala Bardip Mia or Our Story House, was chosen to reflect the important role the venue plays in sharing stories from across all cultures and educating through the art of storytelling.
The move towards dual naming stemmed from the Shire’s Jenna Yen Mundamung (Walking Together) Strategy which is currently being developed in partnership with local Traditional Owners, to facilitate a richer understanding of our cultural history.
Following the launch of Nala Bardip Mia, the Shire will undertake further naming of Recreation Centres as Nala Waabi Mia (Our Play House), the Shire Libraries as Nala Kaatajiin Mia (Our Knowledge House) and the Shire administration buildings as Koorling Wongi Ni (Coming, Going, Talking, Listening).
The Wadandi names will be rolled out over the coming months.

The Undalup Association’s Zac Webb (centre) with his parents Toni and Wayne Webb at the Margaret River HEART – Nala Bardip Mia, on Friday. Image credit: Daniela Tommasi Photography