Festival to showcase locally made films at HEART
The Artzability Short Film Festival is fast approaching and locals are being urged to secure their tickets before they sell out.
The locally made festival features twelve short creative films exploring creativity within the community.
Artzability is an ongoing Margaret River based arts program for adults living with disabilities.
Coordinator Sky River said twenty participants had worked with a range of local artists to create and develop the films, featuring original costumes, music and film-making techniques.
“The festival also features work from the Margaret River Independent School, regional and independent artists and will be officially opened by a ‘virtual’ Hugo Weaving,” she said.
“Please come along and support Artzability and share the diversity of our thriving local arts community.”
This event is sponsored by Regional Arts WA and the Margaret River HEART.
Catch the Artzability Short Film Festival on Monday May 31 from 6.45pm at Margaret River HEART.
For tickets and info visit www.margaretriverheart.com.au